54933 AITUTAKI 1985 Officials. Set of 21. Mostlly vfu but some uhm. - 54933 - SG 1043 £1.85 UHM NZ $1.80 Add To cart
70824 AUSTRALIA 1931 Air Official 2d Rose-Red. - 70824 - LHM SG O123 £55.00 LHM NZ $60.00 Add To cart
72679 BAHAWALPUR 1945 Official Surcharge 1½ annas on 1 rupee Black and Orange. - 72679 - UHM SG O12 £40.00 UHM NZ $50.00 Add To cart
73969 BAHAWALPUR 1945 Official Surcharges. Set of 3. The top value has tropical gum discolouration. - 73969 - UHM SG O11-O13 £160.00 UHM NZ $160.00 Add To cart
8076 BHOPAL 1940 Official 4a Bright Purple. Very lightly hinged. - 8076 - LHM SG O345 £32.00 LHM NZ $30.00 Add To cart
72704 BURMA 1937 Geo 5th Official 1 rupee Chocolate and Green. - 72704 - Mint SG O11 £ 20.00 Mint NZ $20.00 Add To cart
72688 BURMA 1937 George 5th Official 2 rupees Carmine and Orange. - 72688 - LHM SG O12 GBp 48.00 LHM NZ $48.00 Add To cart
72706 BURMA 1939 Geo 6th Official 2 rupees Brown and Purple. Hinge remains. - 72706 - Mint SG O25 £ 45.00 Mint NZ $30.00 Add To cart
72705 BURMA 1939 Geo 6th Official 5 rupees Violet and Scarlet. - 72705 - UHM SG O26 £ 42.00 UHM NZ $50.00 Add To cart
72707 BURMA 1946 Geo 6th Official 10r Claret and Violet. - 72707 - Mint SG O40 £ 17.00 Mint NZ $17.00 Add To cart
72708 BURMA 1947 Geo 6th Official 2 annas and 6 pies Greenish Blue. - 72708 - Mint SG O47 £ 25.00 Mint NZ $25.00 Add To cart
71967 BURMA 1947 Interim Burmese Government Official 2a6p Greenish Blue. - 71967 - LHM SG O47 £ 24.00 LHM NZ $24.00 Add To cart
72534 CANADA 1949 Official Air 7 cents Blue. - 72534 - Mint SG O171 £ 24.00 Mint NZ $24.00 Add To cart
21916 CANADA 1949 Peace Reconversion Officials. Set of 6. - 21916 - UHM SG D166-D171 £244.00 UHM NZ $240.00 Add To cart
21917 CANADA 1950 Peace Reconversion Officials. 5 values. Excluding the 50c. - 21917 - UHM SG D185-D190 £170.00 UHM NZ $150.00 Add To cart
72717 CHAMBA 1938 Geo 6th Official 2 rupees Purple and Brown. Lightly hinged. - 72717 - Mint SG O69 £ 38.00 Mint NZ $38.00 Add To cart
72718 CHAMBA 1940 Geo 6th Official 1 rupee Grey and Red-Brown. - 72718 - UHM SG O83 £ 20.00 UHM NZ $30.00 Add To cart
72721 CHAMBA 1940 Geo 6th Official 10 rupees Purple and Claret. - 72721 - UHM SG O86 £ 80.00 UHM NZ $120.00 Add To cart
72719 CHAMBA 1940 Geo 6th Official 2 rupees Purple and Brown. - 72719 - UHM SG O84 £ 35.00 UHM NZ $50.00 Add To cart
72720 CHAMBA 1940 Geo 6th Official 5 rupees Green and Blue. - 72720 - UHM SG O85 £ 60.00 UHM NZ $90.00 Add To cart
72725 COCHIN 1938 Official 4 pies Green. Perf 13 x 13.1/2. Overprint offset on the reverse. Pair. - 72725 - Mint SG O47b £ 42.00 Mint NZ $50.00 Add To cart
71462 COOK ISLANDS 1985 Official $5.00 surcharge on $3.00 Coral. Scott O50 $US 6.00. - 71462 - UHM SG O50 £4.75 UHM NZ $5.00 Add To cart
37967 COOK ISLANDS 1985 Official. Set of 19 to th $5. - 37967 - UHM SG 290 £3.00 UHM NZ $3.00 Add To cart
31378 DENMARK 1871 Postal Stationery Official 2sk Ultramarine. Similar to the stamp. - 31378 - PostalStaty SG O51 £120.00 PostalStaty NZ $60.00 Add To cart
77179 EGYPT 1907 Official. Set of 6. Three are never hinged including the high value. - 77179 - Mint SG O73-O78 £28.00 Mint NZ $32.00 Add To cart
22447 EGYPT 1922 Official. Set of 10 except that the 10m Lake is missing It catalogues at £6.50. Hinge remains. - 22447 - Mint SG O111-O120 £159.00 Mint NZ $150.00 Add To cart
75797 FALKLAND ISLANDS Postmark Official Paid. Cutout. - 75797 - Postmark Postmark NZ $5.00 Add To cart
130767 FIJI 1967 Official Letter to Mr R J Searle (an MP). - 130767 - PostalHist PostalHist NZ $2.50 Add To cart
22348 FRENCH WEST AFRICA 1958 Official. Set of 12. - 22348 - UHM SG O106-O117 £44.30 UHM NZ $40.00 Add To cart
70055 GREAT BRITAIN 1882 Victoria 1st Inland Revenue Official 1/- Dull Green. Nice dated copy. - 70055 - FU SG O15 £200.00 FU NZ $200.00 Add To cart
30389 GREAT BRITAIN 1936 Postcard from East Ham to Manchester bearing Geo 5th ½d. Cachet EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. Nice item. - 30389 - P Postmark NZ $8.00 Add To cart
131847 GREAT BRITAIN 1952 Registered Letter from The Ministry of National Insurance. Official Paid. Lovely Backstamp HADDINGTON EAST LO PostalHist NZ $16.00 Add To cart
131849 GREAT BRITAIN 1962 Official Letter from Customs & Excise Eastern Station King George V Dock to the Imperial Court. The Economy m PostalHist NZ $12.00 Add To cart
131846 GREAT BRITAIN 1966 Official Airmail Letter from The Infantry Record Office Exeter to New Zealand. - 131846 - PostalHist PostalHist NZ $8.00 Add To cart
530379 GREAT BRITAIN 1969 Internal Letter On Her Majesty's Service. Frank. - 530379 - PostalHist PostalHist NZ $4.00 Add To cart
131850 GREAT BRITAIN 1973 Official Letter from "E" Squdron Boscombe Division to the NAAFI Export Dept London. - 131850 - PostalHist PostalHist NZ $12.00 Add To cart
31818 GREAT BRITAIN 1973 Official Letter from "E" Squdron Boscombe Down Aylesbury to the NAAFI Kensington London. - 31818 - PostalHist PostalHist NZ $12.00 Add To cart
72744 GWALIOR 1940 Geo 6th Official 1 anna 3 pies Yellow-Brown. - 72744 - Mint SG O85 £ 32.00 Mint NZ $32.00 Add To cart
72747 GWALIOR 1942 Geo 6th Official 10 rupees Purple and Claret. - 72747 - UHM SG O94 £ 80.00 UHM NZ $120.00 Add To cart
72745 GWALIOR 1942 Geo 6th Official 2 rupees Purple and Brown. - 72745 - UHM SG O92 £ 18.00 UHM NZ $25.00 Add To cart
72746 GWALIOR 1942 Geo 6th Official 5 rupees Green and Blue. - 72746 - UHM SG O93 £ 30.00 UHM NZ $45.00 Add To cart
73530 ICELAND 1876 Official 16 aur Carmine-Red. - 73530 - VFU SG O23a £ 23.00 VFU NZ $35.00 Add To cart
73528 ICELAND 1902 Official 16aur Carmine-Red. Perf 14 x 13.5. - 73528 - LHM SG O91 £ 10.50 LHM NZ $15.00 Add To cart
73526 ICELAND 1902 Official 20 aur Green. Perf 12.5. - 73526 - FU SG 098 £ 13.00 FU NZ $20.00 Add To cart
73527 ICELAND 1902 Official 50 aur Dull Lilac. Perf 14 x 13.5. - 73527 - FU SG O91 £ 38.00 FU NZ $50.00 Add To cart
20246 ICELAND 1902 Officials. Set of 7. Considered by my vendor to be undercatalogued and scarce. - 20246 - VFU SG O81-O87 Scott O13-O19 £27.00 $US40.25 VFU NZ $50.00 Add To cart
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