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AUSTRALIA 1983 The Sentimental Bloke. Strip of 5 on first day cover. - 139411 - FDC
FDC NZ $2.00
AUSTRALIA 1987 Folklore. The Man from Snowy River. Strip of 5. - 51738 - UHM
SG 1067-1071 UHM NZ $4.50
CANADA 1989 Poets. Joined pair. - 86976 - UHM
SG 1329-1330 UHM NZ $2.00
CHINA 2009 Tan Poems. Miniature sheet. - 52117 - UHM
SG 5384 UHM NZ $5.00
CHINA 2012 Song Poetry. Miniature sheet. - 51533 - UHM
SG 5697 £4.25 UHM NZ $4.50
Coloured postcard of Burns and Highland Mary. - 43750 - Postcard
Postcard NZ $4.00
EAST GERMANY 1972 175th Anniversary of the Birth of Heinrich Heine. Miniature sheet. - 56765 - FU
SG 1531 £2.40 FU NZ $2.40
EAST GERMANY 1977 Bicentenary of the Birth of Heinrich Kleist. Miniature sheet. - 15272 - UHM
SG 1982 £3.75 UHM NZ $3.60
EAST GERMANY 1977 Bicentenary of the Birth of Heinrich von Kleist. Miniature sheet. - 56758 - FU
SG 1982 £3.00 FU NZ $3.00
FAROE ISLANDS 1998 Brynhild's Ballad. Set of 4. - 96980 - UHM
SG 338-341 £8.20 UHM NZ $8.00
FAROE ISLANDS 2004 Poems by Jens Oliver. Miniature sheet. - 19847 - UHM
SG 472 £36.00 UHM NZ $36.00
GREAT BRITAIN 1966 Robbie Burns. Set of 2 on first day cover. - 31785 - FDC
SG 685-686 £7.50 FDC NZ $4.00
GREAT BRITAIN 1992 Centenary of the Death of Alfred Lord Tennyson. Set of 4 on first day cover. - 131773 - FDC
SG 1607-1610 FDC NZ $5.00
GREAT BRITAIN 1996 Bicentenary of the Death of Robert Burns. Set of 4. - 88213 - UHM
SG 1901-1904 £5.00 UHM NZ $5.40
GUERNSEY 2002 Thoughts. Set of 6. - 73286 - UHM
UHM NZ $12.00
HUNGARY 1923 Centenary of the Birth of Petofi. Set of 5. - 77091 - Mint
SG 428-432 £12.60 Mint NZ $12.00
HUNGARY 1923 Centenary of the Birth of S Petofi. Set of 5. - 96978 - Mint
SG 428-432 £11.50 Mint NZ $8.00
HUNGARY 1959 Bicentenary of the Birth of Schiller. Set of 3. - 96987 - UHM
SG 1602-1604 £3.85 UHM NZ $3.60
HUNGARY 1977 Centenary of the Birth of Endre Ady. Sheetlet of 4. - 19860 - UHM
SG 3154 £2.40 UHM NZ $2.00
ICELAND 1935 Birth Centenary of Matthias Jochumsson. Set of 4. - 71402 - Mint
Scott 195-198 $US 21.76 Mint NZ $20.00
INDIA 1960 Kalidasa Commemoration. Poetry. Set of 2. - 96981 - UHM
SG 427-428 £1.90 UHM NZ $2.00
INDIA 1973 Centenary of the Death of Michael Madhusudan Dutt. - 96988 - UHM
SG 688 £1.00 UHM NZ $1.00
ISRAEL 1997 Alexander Puskin. Miniature sheet. - 54729 - UHM
SG 1375 £2.95 UHM NZ $3.00
ITALY 1981 Bimillenry of the Death of Virgil. - 96990 - UHM
SG 1735 £1.30 UHM NZ $1.20
ITALY 1983 Bicentenary of the Birth of Gabriele Giuseppe. - 762 - UHM
SG 1784 UHM NZ $1.20
LAOS 1955 "Ramayana" Dramatic Poem. Set of 6. Very lightly hinged. - 20727 - LHM
SG 43-48 £ 20.00 LHM NZ $20.00
MALTA 1985 Celebrites Anniversaries. Includes a Poet. - 89054 - UHM
SG 767-768 £2.75 UHM NZ $2.75
NEPAL 1962 Poets. Set of 3. - 96985 - VFU
SG 154-156 £1.20 VFU NZ $1.20
NEPAL 1962 Poets. Set of 3. - 96986 - Mint
SG 154-156 £1.20 Mint NZ $1.20
PAKISTAN 1969 Centenary of the Death of Mirza Ghalib. Set of 2. - 96982 - UHM
SG 274-275 UHM NZ $2.00
PORTUGAL 1972 400th Anniversary of Camoen's "Lusiads", (epic poem). Set of 3. - 81925 - UHM
SG 1493-1495 £2.35 UHM NZ $4.75
RUSSIA 1939 125th Anniversary of the Birth of T G Shevchenko. Set of 3. - 96995 - FU
SG 853-855 ã5.25 FU NZ $5.25
RUSSIA 1942 Centenary of the Uzbek Poet Mir Ali Shir 50c Sepia. Perf 12½x12. - 308 - VFU
SG 985a £50.00 VFU NZ $50.00
RUSSIA 1949 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Puskin. Set of 5 with the two labels as listed. - 23837 - VFU
SG 1488-1492 £38.50 VFU NZ $38.00
RUSSIA 1966 800th Anniversary of the Birth of Shota Bustavelli. Miniature sheet. - 15661 - FU
SG 3330 £2.75 FU NZ $2.40
RUSSIA 1966 800th Anniversary of the Birth of Shota Rustaveli. Miniature sheet. - 14898 - UHM
SG 3330 £5.50 UHM NZ $6.00
RUSSIA 1989 Poems of the Soviet Union. Second series. Set of 5 with labels on first day covers. - 34288 - FDC
SG 6017-6021 FDC NZ $2.40
SAN MARINO 1981 Bicentenary of the Birth of Virgil. Set of 3 and miniature sheet. - 53780 - UHM
SG 1163-1166 £8.80 UHM NZ $8.50
SCOTLAND 2009 250th Anniversary of the Birth of Robert Burns. Miniature sheet. - 50635 - UHM
SG 137 £ 8.00 UHM NZ $8.00
SOUTH AFRICA 1980 Centenary of the Birth of C L Leopoldt on first day cover. - 137250
SG 479 FDC NZ $1.20
SPAIN 1995 "The Contemporary Poets" Miniature sheet. - 53082 - UHM
SG 3359 £2.30 UHM NZ $2.40
TAIWAN 1989 Classical Chinese Poetry. Fifth series. Set of 4 in presentation pack. - 100758 - UHM
SG 1866-1869 £ 6.00 UHM NZ $6.00
TAIWAN 1990 Classical Chinese Poetry. Sixth series. Set of 4 in presentation pack. - 100771 - UHM
SG 1910-1913 £ 5.00 UHM NZ $5.00
TURKEY 1957 750th Anniversary of the Birth of Mevilana. Miniature sheet. Imperf. - 26302 - Mint
SG 1692a Mint NZ $5.00
TURKEY 1991 Yunus Emre. Set of 2. - 96976 - UHM
SG 3118-3119 £1.80 UHM NZ $2.00
USA 1967 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Henry D Thoreau on illustrated first day cover. - 36813 - FDC
SG 1307 FDC NZ $1.00
USA 1975 P L Dunbar on first day cover. - 37074 - FDC
SG 1560 FDC NZ $1.20
WEST BERLIN 1949 Bicentenary of the Birth of Goethe 10pf Green. - 71503 - Used
SG 61 £85.00 Used NZ $85.00
WEST BERLIN 1949 Bicentenary of the Birth of Goethe. Set of 3. - 76075 - Used
SG 6163 £225.00 Used NZ $150.00