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NEW ZEALAND 1898 Pictorial 2½d Blue overprinted OPSO. No Watermark. - 79416 - UHM
CP EP8b 2500 UHM NZ $1,500.00NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 1d Red. Nice bright colour. Two small rust spots. - 71305 - LHM
ACS 67 75 LHM NZ $15.00
NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 1d Vermilion. - 67 - UHM
ACS 67 100 UHM NZ $60.00
NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 1d Vermilion. Exhibition cancel. - 75129 - VFU
ACS 67 75 VFU NZ $37.50
NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 3d Blue and Brown. Slight toning. Very lightly hinged. - 75128 - LHM
ACS 68 325 LHM NZ $80.00
NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 3d Blue and Brown. Very fine. Probably CTO. - 75067 - VFU
ACS 68 300 VFU NZ $150.00
NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 3d Brown and Blue. - 69 - UHM
ACS 68 400 UHM NZ $300.00NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 3d Brown and Blue. Nice bright colour. Two small rust spots. - 71306 - LHM
ACS 68 325 LHM NZ $50.00
NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 3d Captain Cook. - 68 - UHM
UHM NZ $320.00
NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 3d Landing of Cook. Excellent copy. - 74190 - LHM
ACS 68 250 LHM NZ $150.00
NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 3d Landing. Excellent copy Exhibition cancel 8/12/1906. - 4195 - FU
ACS 68 $225.00 FU NZ $120.00NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 3d Landing. Nice bright colours. Crease not visible at first look. - 3643 - Postmark
ACS 68 $175.00 Postmark NZ $50.00
NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 6d Annexation. Nice bright colours. Crease not visible at first look. Has had adhesion
ACS 69 $500.00 LHM NZ $200.00NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 6d Pink and Green. Two or three small rust spots. - 71307 - LHM
ACS 69 675 LHM NZ $150.00NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 6d Red and Green with fine Exhibition Postmark. - 71915 - FU
ACS 69 625 FU NZ $500.00
NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 6d. UHM. Has paper fold/gum crease visible only at rear. Gum browned and in general not
ACS 69 1400 UHM NZ $150.00NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 6d. Very nice copy. Centred slightly north. - 70693 - VFU
ACS 69 700 VFU NZ $350.00
NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition ½d Green on postcard showing maori poi dance. Postcard has some aging. Clear postmark
Gold Medal 1001. PostalHist NZ $75.00
NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition ½d Green. - 10066 - VFU
ACS 66 60 VFU NZ $40.00
NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition ½d Green. - 66 - UHM
ACS 66 100 UHM NZ $60.00
NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition ½d Green. Exhibition cancel. - 4357 - VFU
ACS 66 $60.00 VFU NZ $30.00NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition ½d Green. Nice bright colour. Three small rust spots. - 71304 - LHM
ACS 66 80 LHM NZ $18.00NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition ½d and 1d both with fine Exhibition cancels. Excellent display items. - 75068 - VFU
ACS 66-67 150 VFU NZ $90.00NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition. Set of 4. - 24058 - VFU
ACS 66-69 $845.00 VFU NZ $600.00
NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition. Set of 4. - 26062 - UHM
ACS 66-69 2100 UHM NZ $1,200.00
NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition. Set of 4. - 26070 - LHM
ACS 66-69 $775.00 LHM NZ $320.00NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition. Set of 4. Looks good from the front but hinge remains or other gum defects. No toning
ACS 66-69 1150 Mint NZ $300.00NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition. Set of 4. The 3d and 6d are very lightly hinged. - 24010 - LHM
ACS 66-69 1150 LHM NZ $500.00
NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch Exhibition. Set of 4. The two top values have unattractive postmarks. - 39981 - Used
ACS 66-69 $1100.00 Used NZ $280.00
NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch. Exhibition 3d Brown and Blue. - 70494 - Mint
ACS 68 $175.00 Mint NZ $90.00
NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch. Exhibition 6d Annexation. - 79285 - UHM
ACS 69 $1000.00 UHM NZ $600.00NEW ZEALAND 1906 Christchurch. Exhibition 6d Green and Pink. Unhinged but there are minor imperfections in the gum. No toning. -
ACS 69 1000 UHM NZ $200.00
NEW ZEALAND 1913 Auckland Exhibition 1d Red. - 10093 - FU
ACS 93 90 FU NZ $45.00
NEW ZEALAND 1913 Auckland Exhibition 1d Red. - 3657 - LHM
ACS 93 $60.00 LHM NZ $30.00NEW ZEALAND 1913 Auckland Exhibition 1d. Centred slightly north east. - 71308 - LHM
ACS 93 75 LHM NZ $25.00
NEW ZEALAND 1913 Auckland Exhibition 3d Brown. - 3656 - LHM
ACS 94 $450.00 LHM NZ $250.00NEW ZEALAND 1913 Auckland Exhibition 3d Brown. - 71912 - UHM
ACS 94 825 UHM NZ $625.00NEW ZEALAND 1913 Auckland Exhibition 3d Brown. - 74949 - UHM
ACS 94 900 UHM NZ $600.00
NEW ZEALAND 1913 Auckland Exhibition 3d Brown. One corner perf missing. - 3654 - Mint
ACS 94 $450.00 Mint NZ $50.00
NEW ZEALAND 1913 Auckland Exhibition 6d Red. - 3655 - LHM
ACS 95 $550.00 LHM NZ $300.00NEW ZEALAND 1913 Auckland Exhibition 6d Red. - 74950 - UHM
ACS 95 1000 UHM NZ $680.00
NEW ZEALAND 1913 Auckland Exhibition 6d Red. Hinge remains. - 39399 - Mint
ACS 95 590 Mint NZ $160.00
NEW ZEALAND 1913 Auckland Exhibition ½d Green. - 3658 - LHM
ACS 92 $50.00 LHM NZ $25.00NEW ZEALAND 1913 Auckland Exhibition ½d Green. - 74948 - UHM
ACS 92 80 UHM NZ $50.00
NEW ZEALAND 1913 Auckland Exhibition ½d Green. Very lightly hinged. - 39997 - LHM
ACS 92 55 LHM NZ $25.00
NEW ZEALAND 1913 Auckland Exhibition. Set of 4. - 74056 - UHM
ACS 92-95 2000 UHM NZ $1,300.00
NEW ZEALAND 1913 Auckland Exhibition. Set of 4. - 74057 - FU
ACS 92-95 1500 FU NZ $1,000.00
NEW ZEALAND 1913 Auckland Exhibition. Set of 4. - 92 - UHM
ACS 92-95 2000 UHM NZ $1,000.00
NEW ZEALAND 1913 Auckland Exhibition. Set of 4. Commercially used. Sound. - 24023 - Used
ACS 92-95 1600 Used NZ $600.00