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AUSTRALIA 1975 Famous Women. Set of 6 on first day cover. - 139415 - FDC
FDC NZ $2.00
AUSTRALIA 2011 Centenary of the International Women's Day 60c. - 8639 - UHM
UHM NZ $1.20
BELGIUM 1983 Women. Set of 3. - 96960 - FU
SG 2751-2753 £1.25 FU NZ $1.20
CHINA 1953 International Women's Day. Set of 2. - 9668 - UHM
SG 1578-1579 £2.50 UHM NZ $2.50
CHINA 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women. Set of 4. - 83904 - UHM
SG 4019-4022 £1.55 UHM NZ $1.20
EAST GERMANY 1955 International Womens' Day. Set of 2. - 96951 - FU
SG 204-205 £1.40 FU NZ $1.40
GAMBIA 1985 Women and development. Set of 4. - 96956 - UHM
SG 577-580 £1.50 UHM NZ $1.20
GIBRALTAR 1997 Christian Dior. Miniature sheet. - 19763 - UHM
SG 816 UHM NZ $8.00
GIBRALTAR 1997 Christian Dior. Miniature sheet. - 19764 - CTO
SG 816 CTO NZ $8.00
GREAT BRITAIN 2008 Votes for Women. Set of 6. - 86952 - UHM
UHM NZ $15.00
GUYANA 1975 International Women's Year. Set of 4. - 96963 - UHM
SG 630-633 UHM NZ $1.00
INDIA 1975 International Women's Year. - 96954 - UHM
SG 758 UHM NZ $1.00
ISLE OF MAN 1976 Centenary of the Mothers Union. Set of 4 on first day cover. - 531764 - FDC
SG 90-93 FDC NZ $1.20
ISRAEL 1950 Special Postmark on illustrated cover. - 31215 - PostalHist
PostalHist NZ $4.00
KENYA 1985 International Women's Decade. Set of 4. - 96952 - UHM
SG 356-359 UHM NZ $4.00
NEW ZEALAND 1993 Centenary of the Women's Vote. Set of 4. - 1087 - UHM
ACS 1087-1090 $7.50 UHM NZ $5.00
NORTH VIETNAM 1958 Congress of Democratic Women. - 6826 - Mint
SG 82 £7.50 Mint NZ $7.50
NORTH VIETNAM 1959 Trung Sisters. Set of 2. - 6830 - Mint
SG 103-104 £6.70 Mint NZ $6.00
RUSSIA 1949 International Women's Day. Set of 7. - 86953 - FU
SG 1466-1472 £4.25 FU NZ $4.00
SAN MARINO 1975 International Women's Year. Set of 3. - 96966 - UHM
SG 1034-1036 £1.10 UHM NZ $1.20
SINGAPORE 1975 International Womens' Year. Set of 3 and miniature sheet. - 59506 - VFU
SG 264-267 £29.10 VFU NZ $36.00
SINGAPORE 1975 International Womens' Year. Set of 3. - 72995 - Used
SG 264-266 £ 9.00 Used NZ $9.00
SOUTH AFRICA 1975 International Convention of Women. Special Postmark. - 530621 - PostalHist
PostalHist NZ $3.00
SOUTH AFRICA 1977 National Womens' Memorial. Special Postmark on cover. - 137460 - Postmark
Postmark NZ $1.20
SOUTH AFRICA 2006 50th Anniversary of the Women's March to the Union Buildings. Miniature sheet. - 15625 - UHM
SG 1593 UHM NZ $1.20
SRI LANKA 1983 International Women's Day. Set of 2. - 96964 - UHM
SG 800-801 £1.00 UHM NZ $1.00
SWITZERLAND 2000 Centenary of the National Council of Women. Block of 4. - 15823 - VFU
SG 1443 £3.20 VFU NZ $3.20
TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 1980 Decade for Women. First series. Set of 3. - 96953 - UHM
SG 577-579 UHM NZ $2.00
USA 1948 Centenary of Progress By the Women of America on first day cover. - 37024 - FDC
FDC NZ $2.00
USA 1964 Homemakers on first day cover. - 37055 - FDC
FDC NZ $2.00
USA 1970 50th Anniversary of Woman Suffrage on first day cover. - 37023 - FDC
FDC NZ $2.00
WEST BERLIN 1986 Famous German Women. Set of 17. - 21393 - UHM
SG 732-748 £70.00 UHM NZ $70.00
WEST GERMANY 1969 50 Years of German Womens' Suffrage. Miniature sheet. - 14855 - VFU
SG 1499 VFU NZ $2.00
WEST GERMANY 1969 50th Anniversary of the Suffrage of German Women. Miniature sheet on cover to New Zealand. - 33560 - PostalHis
SG 1499 PostalHist NZ $6.00
WEST GERMANY 1969 German Women's Suffrage. Miniature sheet. - 14845 - UHM
SG 1499 UHM NZ $2.00
WEST GERMANY 1974 Women in German Politics. Set of 4. - 96957 - UHM
SG 1683-1686 £3.00 UHM NZ $3.00